I’ve been experimenting with other distros. I just got a 2TB internal Western Digital Caviar Black, and there’s just too much room there NOT to create nine partitions and get my distro freak on. I know, Kubuntu baybee, but it’s…
An update to the bash script that takes a parameter:
#!/bin/bash book=$1 [[ -z $book ]] && { echo “No argument supplied, exiting!”; exit 1; } [[ ! -e $book ]] && { echo “Can’t find a file with the name $book, exiting”; exit 1; } title=${book%.*} bookcounter=0 linecounter=0 sed…
Get emailed a portion of classic literature each day.
Ok, so I am feeling guilty over not reading enough GOOD books. So, I devised a cunning plan whereby I am emailed a portion of a classic book each day. I started with the Iliad. I know that I’ll clear…
Simple tip to make Android easy to access…
…via your home wifi server. (1) Install On Air from the Android Market. (2) Ensure that your home wifi is accessible through your phone’s Settings menu. (3) In On Air, set your preferences to “use the same 4-digit code”. (4)…